Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tripartite being

e are a tripartite being, having body, soul and spirit.

Whereas we aspire to spiritual perfection, being filled with love for God and our neighbors, it is a fact that our spiritual life is governed very much by the other two parts of our being.

This is a very important truth in the life of a children of God and keeping balance of Body, Soul and Spirit is basic secret of becoming a children of God.

I believe that we are composed of Body, Soul and Spirit and this is holy award from the God to us, So we have to keep the balance for our long life. The description of our tripartite being as follows:

  • BODY – the outer world of physical health, beauty and well-being. The physical body, it's health and wellbeing or dis-ease expresses the condition of our emotional and mental wellbeing. The body is a reflection of a soul that is whole and a spirit that is fulfilled, rather than a representation of the typically human standard of goodness or perfection.

  • SOUL – the essence of our inner world, where we enter into the delights and dilemmas of interior life - diving into the heart and thoughts that influence the very fabric of our lives.

  • SPIRIT – is the source of our wisdom, our connection with God, our blessings and curses, and our general life orientation and deepest character.

To exercise, eat right and sleep well are the basic tenants for having a healthy body.

If our body however, is overweight, sluggish and not in tip top running condition, it has a profound effect upon our soul, which becomes subject to moods and depressions. This in turn diminishes our spiritual potential. When this happens life is painful and often becomes dysfunctional. So, if you want to get long life and blessed by the God, keep your body health like eat right. Eating good food and blessed food is a most important to keep balance of our tripartite being.

May the Lord help you to adjust likewise so that we can be sanctified wholly - "Body, Soul, and Spirit."

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